Solutions / Location Based Incentives

Make Geography Count

There are numerous federal and state geographic areas designated by the government as empowerment zones, renewal communities, enterprise zones, and targeted revitalization areas. Incentives are available for companies with locations residing in these areas. These lucrative incentives range from hiring tax credits, investment tax credits, sales and use tax credits, property tax abatements, training grants and/or credits, tax exemptions, utility discounts, cash inducements, and other government-sponsored incentive programs.

CCG's state-of-the-art technology, incentivepro, maximizes your credit and incentive capture by utilizing our interactive screening processes; proactive tracking of employee movement between locations; and our proprietary zone locater database for all past, current, and proposed locations. Utilizing these tools, CCG can monitor and deliver over 500 credits and incentives available from a federal and state basis for our clients.